You cannot immediately terminate the asyncio event loop, or kill all running tasks.
Instead, we must enumerate all running tasks and request that each be canceled. This will cause all tasks to raise a CancelledError exception and unwind and match the way the asyncio event loop will automatically cancel all tasks when it is exited normally.
In this tutorial, you will discover how to shut down the asyncio event loop immediately by canceling all tasks.
Let’s get started.
Need to Shutdown Asyncio Immediately
Sometimes we need to shut down our asyncio program immediately.
This may be for many reasons, such as:
- A signal has been raised, like a SIGTERM, SIGKILL, or a keyboard interrupt.
- A fatal error has occurred in the program.
- A user or monitoring program has requested the program terminate.
The asyncio event loop does provide methods like stop() and close() but they cannot be used to immediately shut down the event loop.
Instead, they will cause an error. You can learn more about this in the tutorial:
Therefore, to terminate the event loop we must exit the main coroutine, e.g. the entry point of the program.
This may require killing all tasks in the event loop.
How can we kill all asyncio tasks?
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How to Kill All Asyncio Tasks
We cannot kill all pending and running asyncio tasks.
Nevertheless, we can cancel them by calling the cancel() method.
This will cause each task to raise a CancelledError exception the next time they resume.
You can learn more about canceling asyncio tasks in the tutorial:
Note, that a task that is requested to cancel may not be canceled. It can choose to consume or swallow the request to cancel.
You can learn more about this in the tutorial:
As such, we may want to forcefully cancel each task.
You can learn how in the tutorial:
Given that we must cancel all tasks instead of killing them, let’s look at how.
How to Cancel All Asyncio Tasks
We can cancel all tasks in the asyncio event loop by first getting a list of all tasks and then calling the cancel() method on each.
This can be achieved by first calling the asyncio.all_tasks() function to get a list of all tasks.
1 2 3 |
... # get all tasks tasks = asyncio.all_tasks() |
You can learn more about getting all tasks in the tutorial:
We can then enumerate through the list and call the cancel() method on each.
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... # cancel all tasks for task in tasks:     # request the task cancel     task.cancel() |
Tying this together, we can define a function called cancel_all_tasks() that will cancel all tasks in the event loop.
It can be a function rather than a coroutine as it does not perform any awaiting of other coroutines or tasks.
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# cancel all tasks in the event loop def cancel_all_tasks():     # get all tasks     tasks = asyncio.all_tasks() # cancel all tasks for task in tasks:     # request the task cancel     task.cancel() |
We can then call this function from anywhere in our program at any time and all pending and running tasks will at least be requested to cancel.
For example:
1 2 3 |
... # cancel all tasks cancel_all_tasks() |
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How to Cancel All Asyncio Tasks And Exclude The Current Task
A limitation of blindly canceling all tasks is that the caller task is also canceled.
This is a problem if the caller tasks need to perform some logging or resource cleanup after all tasks have been canceled.
We may also trust the caller’s task to be done soon without complication, therefore it does not need to be canceled.
Therefore, we may want to cancel all tasks, except the current task.
This can be achieved by updating our cancel_all_tasks() coroutine to retrieve the current task and not cancel.
We can implement this with a boolean argument to “exclude_current“.
If this argument is set, the current task can be retrieved via the asyncio.current_task() function and removed from the list of tasks that are canceled.
For example:
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... # check if we should not cancel the current task if exclude_current:     # exclude the current task if needed     all_tasks.remove(asyncio.current_task()) |
You can learn more about how to get the current task in the tutorial:
Note that this change will only work if the current task is not cancel_all_tasks(), but the calling asyncio task. If the cancel_all_tasks() function is changed into a coroutine, this approach will no longer work.
The updated cancel_all_tasks() function with this change is listed below.
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# cancel all running tasks def cancel_all_tasks(exclude_current=False):     # get all tasks     all_tasks = asyncio.all_tasks()     # check if we should not cancel the current task     if exclude_current:         # exclude the current task if needed         all_tasks.remove(asyncio.current_task())     # enumerate all tasks     for task in all_tasks:         # request the task cancel         task.cancel() |
It can then be called as a normal Python function and not cancel the calling asyncio Task.
For example:
1 2 3 |
... # cancel all tasks except the current task cancel_all_tasks(exclude_current=True) |
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How to Cancel All Asyncio Tasks With Exclusion List
A limitation of the previous approach is that only the current task is excluded.
We may have one or more background tasks running that we do not want to cancel.
This might include tasks for monitoring, logging, and more.
Therefore, we want a version of canceling all tasks that excludes a list of one or more tasks.
This can be achieved by updating the cancel_all_tasks() function to take a list of asyncio Tasks to exclude from the tasks that are canceled.
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# cancel all running tasks def cancel_all_tasks(exclude_list=[]): # ... |
Then, while enumerating all tasks, we can skip any tasks in the provided exclusion list.
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... # enumerate all tasks for task in all_tasks:     # skip excluded tasks     if task in exclude_list:         continue     # request the task cancel     task.cancel() |
Tying this together, the updated cancel_all_tasks() function that supports a list of excluded tasks is listed below.
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# cancel all running tasks def cancel_all_tasks(exclude_list=[]):     # get all tasks     all_tasks = asyncio.all_tasks()     # enumerate all tasks     for task in all_tasks:         # skip excluded tasks         if task in exclude_list:             continue         # request the task cancel         task.cancel() |
We can then call this function to cancel all tasks including itself by providing no arguments, e.g. a default empty exclusion list.
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... # cancel all tasks cancel_all_tasks() |
If we wanted to exclude the calling tasks, we could provide a list with one argument, the current task.
For example:
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... # cancel all tasks except the current task cancel_all_tasks([asyncio.current_task()]) |
Otherwise, we can provide a list of all the tasks we want to exclude.
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... # cancel all tasks except a subset cancel_all_tasks([monitor, logger, asyncio.current_task()]) |
Another way we could implement this is to give each task a name and exclude tasks by name.
For example, we can call the set_name() method on an asyncio.Task after it is created to assign a useful name, then call the get_name() method on tasks in the cancel_all_tasks() function to check for tasks to exclude from cancellation.
You can learn more about managing task names in the tutorial:
How to Cancel All Asyncio Tasks And Wait
A common pattern when canceling all tasks is to wait for the tasks to be canceled.
Recall that calling the cancel() method only requests that a task be canceled. A target task is not canceled until it is given an opportunity to run and raise a CancelledError exception and unwind.
Therefore, some callers who cancel tasks may explicitly wait for the target to be done before moving on.
You can learn more about the cancel and await pattern in the tutorial:
We may need to wait for all tasks to stop running before performing some clean-up of resources and logging.
This can be achieved by explicitly awaiting all tasks that were canceled.
Firstly, this requires changing the cancel_all_tasks() function into a coroutine that can await.
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... # cancel all running tasks async def cancel_all_tasks(exclude_list=[]): # ... |
We then must keep track of all tasks that were requested to be canceled.
This can be achieved in a few ways. In this case, we will create a new list of all tasks with the excluded tasks filtered out.
For example:
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... # remove all excluded tasks all_tasks = [t for t in all_tasks if t not in exclude_list] |
We can then await all tasks to be canceled.
Again, this can be achieved in a few ways.
One way is to call asyncio.gather() and pass the list of canceled tasks. This approach might be preferred over other approaches as we can set the return_exceptions argument to return exceptions raised by the target tasks rather than have the exceptions propagate to the current task and unwind our intent to cancel and wait.
For example:
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... # wait for all tasks to cancel await asyncio.gather(*all_tasks, return_exceptions=True) |
Awaiting all tasks will suspend the current task and allow all requested tasks to cancel, e.g. raise a CancelledError exception and unwind.
You can learn more about how to use asyncio.gather() in the tutorial:
The updated cancel_all_tasks() coroutine with these changes is listed below.
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# cancel all running tasks async def cancel_all_tasks(exclude_list=[]):     # get all tasks     all_tasks = asyncio.all_tasks()     # remove all excluded tasks     all_tasks = [t for t in all_tasks if t not in exclude_list]     # enumerate all tasks     for task in all_tasks:         # request the task cancel         task.cancel()     # wait for all tasks to cancel     await asyncio.gather(*all_tasks, return_exceptions=True) |
This coroutine can then be awaited anywhere we wish to trigger all tasks to be canceled.
For example:
1 2 3 |
... # cancel all tasks except the current task await cancel_all_tasks([asyncio.current_task()]) |
On Exiting The Main Coroutine
The main coroutine is the coroutine used as the entry point into the asyncio program.
For example, the coroutine we might pass to to start our program.
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... # start the event loop and execute main() |
When the main coroutine is done, e.g. returns or raises an exception, the asyncio event loop is terminated.
This will cause all asyncio tasks to be canceled.
We can look inside the run() function, actually the asyncio.Runner class and see that when it closes, it calls an internal function called _cancel_all_tasks().
The _cancel_all_tasks() function is listed below for reference.
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def _cancel_all_tasks(loop):     to_cancel = tasks.all_tasks(loop)     if not to_cancel:         return      for task in to_cancel:         task.cancel()      loop.run_until_complete(tasks.gather(*to_cancel, return_exceptions=True))      for task in to_cancel:         if task.cancelled():             continue         if task.exception() is not None:             loop.call_exception_handler({                 'message': 'unhandled exception during shutdown',                 'exception': task.exception(),                 'task': task,             }) |
We can see that it is doing a lot of the things that we are doing when we want to cancel all tasks.
It is first getting a list of all tasks, and bailing early if there are no tasks.
It then requests that all tasks be canceled by calling the cancel() method.
It then waits for all tasks to be canceled by calling asyncio.gather() configured to return rather than re-raise exceptions.
Finally, it logs any exceptions that might have been raised in the canceled tasks.
This is good confirmation that we are on the right track when we want to quickly cancel all tasks.
Now that we have reviewed how we might cancel all tasks in the asyncio event loop, let’s look at a worked example.
Example of Canceling All Asyncio Tasks
We can explore an example of canceling all tasks in asyncio.
In this example, we will define a task that sleeps for a fraction of 10 seconds. We will then issue 100 of these tasks and allow them to run for a while. We will then use our cancel_all_tasks() coroutine to cancel all tasks except the current task (the main task).
Firstly, we can define the task that will run for a random fraction of 10 seconds.
The body of the task will have a try-finally structure, and the finally block will simulate cleanup for a fraction of 2 seconds, to show that the tasks were canceled and are finishing up.
The work() coroutine below implements this.
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# task that take a long time async def work(value):     try:         # sleep a long time         await asyncio.sleep(10 * random())         print(f'>task {value} done')     finally:         # take some time to clean up         await asyncio.sleep(2 * random()) |
Next, we can define the main() coroutine.
Firstly, a message is reported that the program has started, then 100 work() tasks are issued and allowed to run for a while.
The main() coroutine then awaits our cancel_all_tasks() coroutine defined above to cancel all running tasks except the current task, the main coroutine.
Finally, the main() coroutine reports a done message.
The main() coroutine below implements this.
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# main coroutine async def main():     # report a message     print('Main started')     # issue many tasks     tasks = [asyncio.create_task(work(i)) for i in range(100)]     # allow the tasks to run a while     await asyncio.sleep(4)     # cancel all tasks     print('Main canceling all tasks')     await cancel_all_tasks([asyncio.current_task()])     # report a message     print('Main done') |
We can then start the asyncio event loop and run the main() coroutine.
1 2 3 |
... # start the event loop |
Tying this together, the complete example is listed below.
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# # example of canceling all tasks from random import random import asyncio  # cancel all running tasks async def cancel_all_tasks(exclude_list=[]):     # get all tasks     all_tasks = asyncio.all_tasks()     # remove all excluded tasks     all_tasks = [t for t in all_tasks if t not in exclude_list]     # enumerate all tasks     for task in all_tasks:         # request the task cancel         task.cancel()     # wait for all tasks to cancel     await asyncio.gather(*all_tasks, return_exceptions=True)  # task that take a long time async def work(value):     try:         # sleep a long time         await asyncio.sleep(10 * random())         print(f'>task {value} done')     finally:         # take some time to clean up         await asyncio.sleep(2 * random())  # main coroutine async def main():     # report a message     print('Main started')     # issue many tasks     tasks = [asyncio.create_task(work(i)) for i in range(100)]     # allow the tasks to run a while     await asyncio.sleep(4)     # cancel all tasks     print('Main canceling all tasks')     await cancel_all_tasks([asyncio.current_task()])     # report a message     print('Main done')  # start the event loop |
Running the example first starts the event loop and runs the main() coroutine.
The main() coroutine runs and reports a message.
It then creates and issues 100 work() tasks and then suspends for 4 seconds.
The work() tasks run and sleep for a fraction of 10 seconds. Some complete and report a done message.
The main() coroutine resumes and awaits the cancel_all_tasks() coroutine and excludes itself.
The cancel_all_tasks() coroutine runs and retrieves all tasks and removes the excluded task from the list. It then requests that all tasks in the list be canceled and then suspends and awaits the tasks to be done.
A CancelledError exception is raised in each of the remaining running tasks. Their finally blocks run and suspend each task for a random fraction of 2 seconds.
The finally blocks exit and the tasks are done.
The cancel_all_tasks() coroutine resumes and returns once all tasks exit their finally block.
The main() coroutine resumes and reports a final message before the program terminates.
This highlights how we can cancel all running tasks and exclude the main coroutine from the cancellation. It also highlights that although tasks can be requested to cancel, they may also delay the termination of the program with their own cleanup in a finally block.
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Main started >task 91 done >task 12 done >task 60 done >task 72 done >task 71 done >task 70 done >task 36 done >task 7 done >task 4 done >task 82 done >task 33 done >task 98 done >task 46 done >task 57 done >task 26 done >task 6 done >task 28 done >task 53 done >task 5 done >task 58 done >task 14 done >task 38 done >task 10 done >task 54 done >task 16 done >task 93 done >task 78 done >task 65 done >task 49 done >task 32 done >task 11 done >task 80 done >task 29 done >task 84 done >task 34 done >task 86 done Main canceling all tasks Main done |
Further Reading
This section provides additional resources that you may find helpful.
Python Asyncio Books
- Python Asyncio Mastery, Jason Brownlee (my book!)
- Python Asyncio Jump-Start, Jason Brownlee.
- Python Asyncio Interview Questions, Jason Brownlee.
- Asyncio Module API Cheat Sheet
I also recommend the following books:
- Python Concurrency with asyncio, Matthew Fowler, 2022.
- Using Asyncio in Python, Caleb Hattingh, 2020.
- asyncio Recipes, Mohamed Mustapha Tahrioui, 2019.
- asyncio — Asynchronous I/O
- Asyncio Coroutines and Tasks
- Asyncio Streams
- Asyncio Subprocesses
- Asyncio Queues
- Asyncio Synchronization Primitives
You now know how to shut down the asyncio event loop immediately by canceling all tasks.
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